Tuesday 3 June 2008

Sleeping Bear

Here's a piece that seems to be quite popular. Originally produced to accompany a story in Baby Hampshire (a magazine for new parents in the Hampshire region of the UK), it's surprisingly effective given the time constraints I faced.

My colouring technique is normally pretty time consuming. It involves tracing every component of the picture using paths and then filling each with layers of textures and colour. It can take an age to get anywhere with a really complex picture, especially as I don't use a graphics tablet or pen.

Does a bear sleep in the woods?

So sometimes its more effective to dedicate extra time to producing really detailed pencils to work from, that way you can speed up the modelling and shading phases by letting the tones of the drawing show through.

Another way, of course, is to build a stockpile of components that you can duplicate and re-use. In this case the long grass and the flowers are variations on two or three assets. After so much hard work though, it can sometimes feel like cheating.

But really I think its the colours that make it. I rarely think to use pinks and purples, but here they work really well with the abundance of green - and I particularly like the spatters of vivid yellow and blue in the canopy.

The bear's cute, too.


Q said...

Love it Dunkster!
Sorry to be a bit lo-tech, but have you tried painting textures onto coloured paper, cutting them into the shapes, and making up the pictures like that? Then you could light them and photograph them like little puppet theatres?
I can see the Crankadillo coming to life that way!
Loving the blog so far. Love to all

DW said...

Alright Q - glad to see you're working late too!

That's a really good idea. One thing this blog has shown me is that the best stuff isn't always the most refined or polished. I like the idea of real light getting to things and messing it up a bit.

I'll try it!