Sunday 15 June 2008

It Be Father's Day. Yar!

Happy Father's Day to all those in the UK. I hope you're all enjoying your various rock compilation albums - there are a glut of them this year, all of which the adverts attest are, "The perfect gift for every Dad."

It really is a sad day when Guns 'n' Roses are considered Dad-fodder.

No gift for me this year - but only because the new Weezer album isn't out until Monday. Tomorrow - yay!

So, in the meantime my wife very kindly gave me fifteen minutes off to have a cup of tea in the garden, in the sunshine, before my own parents came over. Turned out to be a brilliant little present because with a few moments to myself I was able jot down a few written ideas, as well as this:

Pirate Monster

Definitely something worth working on further.

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