Sunday 25 May 2008

Winter Wonder Man

I've known Quinton Winter for far too many years now. Back in our student days our ragged sleeves soaked up the dregs from many a bar, only to be sucked dry as we staggered back to our flat... above a pub.

So its been a real revelation to watch his work develop over the years, from his first forays into editorial work for the NME and The Guardian to his more recent stream-of-consciousness fuelled work for Michale Hodge's 'Slice of Life' column in Time Out.

There are a few people working in this style (funnily enough, all for The Guardian) but none, I think, with quite the same vigour as Q. His work has a real 'spit and sawdust' feel to it - lots of flailing lines that get dragged about furiously until they're sheared into long, dry-brushed streaks.

I haven't seen anyone capture Spicy Victorian gadabout Russell Brand quite as well as Quinton did for GQ recently, but then I guess it takes one to know one.

Quinton's take on Russell Brand
© Copyright Quinton Winter

There's more of his work at his website.

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