Saturday 24 May 2008


And welcome to the Tinder Illustration weblog. I'm a fine art graduate turned graphic designer working in the technologies sector. It is enjoyable and rewarding work, however due to work commitments I've taken a sabbatical from my own personal projects such as writing and illustrating.

This blog is really about getting back into my own creative practice. Along the way I'll be looking at some of the artists and writers I admire and have been influenced by, and looking at new opportunities open to image-makers through crowdsourcing tools or limited and open edition prints produced on-demand.

I produce work in two styles, firstly as large, colour pieces that in the past I've sold as limited edition prints (like the one below), and in a looser black and white style that's mostly produced in ink.

A limited edition piece featuring 'Dr Edward Barker'

As I make new work I'll post it up here, alongside a few older pieces I think it might be interesting to talk about.

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